Singing Guide: The Statesmen

Singing Guide: The Statesmen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Statesmen Quartet: A Guide to Singing like Southern Gospel Legends

Step 1: Listen to the Statesmen

Start by listening to as many Statesmen songs as you can. Pay close attention to their vocal technique. The Statesmen had a unique vocal harmony style that was very difficult to replicate. Probably the most famous member was Hovie Lister, who, as the group’s pianist and lead vocalist, was a key contributor to the band’s sound. His voice was powerful yet refined. Other famous members included Denver Crumpler, Doy Ott, James "Big Chief" Wetherington, and Jake Hess. In each performance, they blended their voices in a way that was nothing short of magical.

Step 2: Practice Solos and Harmonies

Practice by singing along to the solos and harmonies of their famous songs. The Statesmen's songs are filled with intricate harmonies and soaring melodies. “Oh What A Savior”, “I’m Standing on the Solid Rock”, and “Child of the King” are great examples of their style of tight harmonies and impressive solos.

Step 3: Take Care of Your Voice

To sing like the Statesmen, you need to take care of your voice. Practice good breathing techniques and warm up your voice before singing. Singing Carrots has a great video on humming exercises that can help warm up your voice and improve your range. Additionally, it is important to avoid constrictions in your throat and open your mouth and throat while singing. Check out Singing Carrots’ article on open mouth and throat for more advice on this.

Step 4: Experiment with Vocal Techniques

The Statesmen used a range of vocal techniques beyond harmony. You can experiment with these to add a similar flavor to your own singing style. Singing Carrots has videos on Twang, Growling and Vibrato that can help you learn how to use these techniques effectively.

Step 5: Analyze Your Voice

Analyze your own voice and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Singing Carrots' article on analyzing your voice contains some great advice on how to do this.

By following these steps and practicing consistently, you can learn how to sing like The Statesmen. Don’t forget to take advantage of Singing Carrots’ resources such as the search songs feature to find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. Additionally, there is a lot to learn in their vocal pitch monitor, vocal range test, and vocal training games. Singing Carrots also has a comprehensive vocal course for beginners to follow!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.